MINISTRIES and missions
St. George’s is engaged with various outreach initiatives, that strive to follow Christ’s teaching in Matthew 25: 35-36…“for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.”
We are blessed to have a talented music director, proficient in piano and violin. Our mix of music style includes The Hymn Book and praise & worship songs. Joining our music leaders are dedicated vocalists.
Sundays we have a Book of Alternative Services Eucharist & Sunday School at 11:00 a.m.

Youth Group - The Dragon Slayers
The parish has an active youth group called The Dragon Slayers (in keeping with our patron saint, St. George).
this is a Diocesan youth group including all who want to join from the Diocese.
Sunday School
One of our defining qualities and core ministries at
St. George’s is our very active Sunday School Program, lead by our dedicated teachers and helpers. Sunday school takes place during the Sunday service, which begins at 11:00 a.m.. The children begin upstairs with a children’s talk gathering together at the front of the Church. The children and congregation join in singing the children’s song, at the end of which, the Sunday school teachers take the kids downstairs for Sunday school.

Pastoral Visits
The parish priest and people of St. George’s make regular visits to those who are sick and shut in, either in their homes or in hospital or care facilities. Holy Communion, usually by reserved sacrament, is administered during these visits as well.
St. George’s visits all of the care facilities, in rotation with other churches in the city of Brandon, sharing with the residence God’s Word and Sacraments, not only on the regularly scheduled services, but throughout each week as need arises.
Pastoral visits.
If you would like a call please leave a message at
the office 204-728-6206
Samaritan House Grocery Cart
Every Sunday we encourage folks to support the community ministry of Samaritan House food bank. In the narthex of the Church, there are boxes to collect non-perishable food items. That which is collected is taken to Samaritan House. Please consider watching for the buy one get one sales and bring a donation to the church.

Prayer Groups
We have an active prayer chain. If you or someone you know has a need please send an email or call the church and we will add you to our prayer list.
Altar Flowers
For special service Sundays we ask for donations in memory of loved ones to put flowers on the alter. If you would like to make a donation toward Christmas or Easter flowers please contact us.

Primate's World Relief and Development Fund
As an instrument of faith, PWRDF connects Anglicans in Canada to communities around the world in dynamic partnerships to advance development, to respond to emergencies, to assist refugees, and to act for positive change.
PWRDF supports partners in Canada and throughout the world who are implementing grassroots solutions relevant to the particular needs and situation of their local communities.
To learn more, click below about all the different ways to help!